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Wednesday, December 27, 2006



Do you have PayPal? If you are conducting business online, then you need at least a PayPal account. Nowadays, many online business accept PayPal as their payment method in the Internet. Why? Because using PayPal, you can accept money via balances in PayPal as well as credit cards via PayPal.

Conducting business by accepting PayPal is a very convenient way. As merchant / premier account holder, you can enjoy lower rate of charges. Well, you gonna prepare that PayPal has its own policy of sale of products between buyers and sellers. Consumers that pay using PayPal reserve the right to ask for refund. If you are selling intangible items, then you have no way to protect yourself in the event that the buyers receive the intangible product and then ask for a refund or unauthorised claims. So you gonna be extra caution while conducting online business. Do your homework and make sure you know the details of their policies.

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