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Thursday, December 21, 2006


Search Engine Marketing (Sponsored Link)

USWeb is a leading strategic Internet services firm helping clients achieve revenue, profit, market share, and customer loyalty objectives through Internet strategies and systems. Originally founded in 1995, with offices across the United States.

With research confirming that 70-80% of prospective web customers use search engines or search directories to find relevant content, search engine marketing is the most widely used method of attracting visitors to a website.

As a result, competition is fierce at the top of the search engines. USWeb's search engine marketing services are designed to get your site noticed when potential buyers are looking for the products and services you have to offer. Their search engine optimization, PPC Bid Management, and Trusted Feed services target the Internet's major search properties to drive self-qualified prospects to your site - the specific audiences that are looking for your products, content, and/or services.

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