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Thursday, January 25, 2007


Get Paid to Search: Cha Cha

Are you ready to ChaCha? Haha, I am not kidding. There's a brand new search engine that actually pays you for your effort as human search guide. In order to become a Cha Cha guide, you gonna complete 5 simple steps.
  1. Create your Profile
  2. Select 3 keywords or Areas of expertise
  3. Watch Training videos
  4. Answer mock searches
  5. Become a live Cha Cha Guide
How much you gonna make depends on your level of expertise as well as the time you dedicated for the search jobs. Basically, as an entry level Cha Cha guide, you will be compensated for $5 - $10 per search hour.

Watch this interview video from Good Morning America to know more details:

Enjoy =)

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